WWT 2022 Release Notes: WWT JupyterLab Extension

WWT 2022 marks the first release of the WWT JupyterLab extension, which connects the WWT research app to the JupyterLab computational environment.

The JupyterLab extension itself is a relatively small piece of code, since it’s primarily concerned with allowing Jupyter notebook kernels to communicate with an instance of the WWT research app.

Installation & Getting Started

See the Researchers page for information about how to install WWT into a JupyterLab-based environment.

See the detailed WWT 2022 components list for links to developer resources such as code repositories and detailed changelogs.

Go back to the WWT 2022 edition notes.

Copyright 2019-2023 the .NET Foundation. WorldWide Telescope is a fiscally sponsored project of NumFOCUS, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting the open-source scientific computing community.